September 12

5:00 PM IST / 4:00 PM CET / 10:00 AM ET

Hands-On Tutorial: How Scholarly Publishers Can Leverage AI to Create a Leveled Playing Field for Multilingual Authors
Publishers are looking for innovative ways to level the playing field for multilingual authors seeking to publish their research in English. Learn how to leverage new AI technologies to increase publishing opportunities for global researchers while ensuring that the best science gets published.

Avi Staiman

at Academic Language Experts

Join Avi Staiman, CEO of Academic Language Experts (ALE) and co-founder of SciWriter.AI, for an overview of how AI technology can be integrated into the translation and editing process, looking at ALE's AI-integrated workflow. During this discussion, you will learn:
  • Strategies for leveraging AI technology to help authors with translation and editing processes
  • Hands-on demos of leading tools
  • Recommended best practices for inclusive publishing

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